Please register using this form. If you wish to be considered for a presentation slot, please complete the form by 20 April; otherwise, please complete the form by 10 May.

There is no limit at this time to the number of participants. Participants are encouraged to bring a project idea to the workshop to work on collaboratively through Slack and Zoom.

There are a limited number of presentation spots. If you are interested in presenting, please choose either a topic on EDR3 early science or EDR3 best practices and provide an abstract where indicated on the registration form. Early science presentation slots are 20min + 5min questions + 5min transition. Best practices presentation slots are 15min + 15min discussion. Presentations from historically-underrepresented groups and early-career researchers (undergraduate, graduate, post-doc) are particularly encouraged. Presentation slots will be announced by 1 May.

If you have difficulty accessing the registration form, please email

Confirmation of registration will be sent by 15 May, along with Slack and Zoom information.