
The latest data release from Gaia — early Data Release 3 (EDR3) — now includes more than 1.5 billion stars with astrometric information. EDR3 boasts better precisions in astrometric parameters compared to DR2, improved resolution, and higher completeness — particularly for high—proper motion stars. This revolutionary data set impacts a wide range of astronomy, from Galactic disc kinematics to Solar System dynamics and from red giant stellar interiors to white dwarf evolution.

The full DR3 is expected in the first half of 2022, at which point spectra will be released; multiple stellar systems will be tagged; stellar parameters will be updated; variable stars will be classified; epoch photometry will be provided; and solar system orbital solutions given.


In light of these exciting possibilities with Gaia EDR3, this workshop will bring together researchers working with Gaia EDR3 data in order to learn about the latest science with EDR3 and how to best use EDR3 data. We will also have an eye toward preparing for the full DR3.


The Gaia Early DR3 Early Science and Best Practices online workshop will have aspects of a sprint and a traditional conference: the beginning of each day will consist of collaborative working at times more convenient for Europe (BST) and the end of each day will consist of collaborative working time more convenient for the Americas (EDT). The middle of the day will consist of presentations on EDR3 best practices, followed by presentations on EDR3 early science.

Collaborative working will take place on Slack, where collaborative projects will be proposed and managed. Presentations and participant-run breakouts will take place over Zoom.